Delivering a World Class experience and adhering to our corporate values constitute our pillars of Zero Degree. We will strive to win the trust & admirations of all our customers and stakeholders through sharing the world class experience with them. At Zero Degree, We’re all about air. Zero Degree is the only brand and service organisation who deals with service operation of all types of Air-conditioning and refrigeration brands in the state of Odisha, India. It is the 1st in his kind to give services to various air conditioning types irrespective of Brand. Zero Degree servers Window ACs, High Wall Split ACs, Cassette ACs, High Wall Ductable ACs, Package ACs, Tower ACs& Chillers (Central Plants). It has the reputation of quickest service response in the state of Odisha and is being recognised for the same.
If you believe your air conditioning unit requires emergency service, click here for information about our 24/7 repair services.
Visit our air conditioner maintenance page for helpful tips and information.
Often, users will require support from the service provider in order to fully take advantage of the products and services on offer. That’s where service request management comes in. If you have any doubt in your mind feel free to contact us.